Welcome! We’re happy you’ve found us.
This beautiful colonial-type architectural building was built by this Christian Science congregation in 1949.
Please join us for a Sunday (10:30 a.m.) or Wednesday Service (7:30 p.m). Our Sunday School for those up to the age of 20 is also held at 10:30 a.m.

Celebrate the Christmas Story With Us on December 15
Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 1:00 PM
2112 Forest Park Boulevard
Fort Worth, TX 76110
Join us to listen to the Christmas story, hear musical solos and duets, and sing Carols. Everyone’s invited!
Interested in Watching The Chosen?
NEXT MEETING: We have finished season 3 and are taking a break. We’ll decide after the holidays if we’ll continue with season 4 in 2025.
Would you like to watch and discuss this series in a small-group setting? Second Church is opening their Sunday School space for this activity. We’ll watch an episode at each meeting, follow with discussion, and show some of the “extras” from the DVDs. Come to any or all viewings and feel free to bring your lunch or snacks. Just bring an open mind, a willingness to share, and a respect for others.
We’re meeting on the first and third Saturdays of each month at 11:00 AM. See you at the church (2112 Forest Park Blvd, 76110)!
If you’d like to see other episodes, you can watch them at https://www.angel.com/watch/the-chosen. There’s also an app you can download.
Here’s a flyer.